Mistrovství světa v Itálii - FPAW Bologna 2008

29.07.2008 21:43

Na MS v Bologni, které se konalo na přelomu července a srpna 2008, vyrazila osmičlenná česko-slovenská mise. Nejlépe se umístili bratři Zahradníčkovi (tzv. Z BROS.), postupem do semifinále vybojovali kluci pěkné 16. místo ve dvojicích.                                                            

Československá skupina ovšem suverénně získala zlato v poctivém přístupu k večírkům (slov. žurka), což ocenili zejména takoví borci jako The Beast nebo Dan Yarnell. Češi prostě zase lili nejvíc. Češi a zvláště Slovák Juro "Chorche" Turan se rovněž maximálně zasadili o propadaci progresivního diskového odvětví, urban disc twirls, jehož vynálezce, rebel Jan Moeller Soerensen, na MS chyběl. Chorche dokonce dotwirloval až k 

rozbitému kolenu, což je skutečně maximální výkon.

Náš obsáhlý report pro FPA (Freestyle Players Asociation):

Hi all friends,

There is a few words about how the Czech and the Slovak freestyle frisbee mission enjoyed wonderfull worlds championships in Bologna.

For most of us it was only second worlds where we were competing - because except slovakian legend Juro "Chorche" Turan and czech ultimate player Stepan all of us started with first nail delay two years ago. Nowadays Czech and Slovak group together have about 15 people, which are jamming hard and try to improve themselves every day, and some new rookies.

The base stone of Czech FF was laid down dy the DVD "secrets of pro disc freestyle" made by Dave Lewis and Z Weyand.  As he was told about this fact, Dave has got warm feeling in his hearth area and promised to work hard on the release of vol. 2. We hope it will be ready soon!  

There were 8 of us in Bologna. It means 5 guys named Jakub (Jakub Hosek, Jakub Kostel, Jakub Sedlak, Jakub Matula and me) and also Pavel Baranyk, my brother Jan "Mahony" Zahradnicek and Chorche from Slovakia.

Our whole trip was full of positive atmosphere, good vibes and great experiences and adventures. Many times our crew has been seen together with the Beast, Dan Yarnell and John Titcomb, which are definitely guys with lots of life experiences and we can learn really good stuff from them. I mean not only about freestyle frisbee, but mostly about life! We heard many clever ideas (e.g. "To teach how to paddidle disc is the same like to teach how to masturbate" - the Beast, etc.). What we really like is how seriously these guys drink beer, the Czech national drink.

Simply,it was great to see all of our friends from all ower the world, which we made in last two years thanks to freestyle frisbee, and it was awsome to meet all US legends which came to Bologna. 

For me and my brother (pair known as Z Bros.) it was first time we advanced to the semifinals on World Champs. For sure we did our best routine ever and we heard the audience shouting, so we did really maximum and were succesfull. We learned not to be nervous and stressed during the 

routine, and we also learned that sometimes it depends on fortune, actual stellar constelation and many other reasons - because for sure there is much more Czech and Slovak players, which were able to go for semifinals also and I hope they will go for it on European Champs in Prague next week.   

We tried to have big party every day, so we were at the Red Bull tent close to the field every evening till the deep night. There were awesome jamms under the lights, where especially guys from Germany jammed very hard and made their t-shirts completely wet. On Saturday the party atmosfere was influenced by Slovak home-made spirit "czeresnya" and also with czech gin and italian mixed redbull with vodka. We have heard that especially Jorg "Woo" Wunder suffered with hangover the whole Sunday :) Some of us felt asleep right in the park and awaked on Sunday before noon aboslutely lost in space and time. But the party was GREAT! 

To support unique disc discipline, urban disc twirls, invented by Jan Soerensen, we started once with night twirl jam. The hardest twirler was Chorche for sure. One of his big air twirling jumps ended with injured knee. Fortunately it was not so serious so he went on enjoiyng the party. Second nice twirl jam spontaneously started on Sunday afternoon and many people joined (our director Lisa, P.K., Dan Yarnell - which doesnt missed any fun, and some more...)       


Thanks thanks thanks to all of you guys, especially to Bologna organization crew, which prepared this unforgetable event. ZZZZZ all of ya soon!

Jakub Z. and the rest of Czech and Slovak community.

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